
Settling In

We're barely starting to get settled in, and have decided to cook at home as much as possible -- at an attempt to be more budget- and waistline- friendly. So far, we've been doing ok - but let's see how long this streak of steady and creative home cooking will really last!
I attempted to make Pad See Ew last night but wasn't too successful. I ended up getting too carried away with the veggies (Carrots in Pad See Ew? Sacrilege!) and the sauce was a little too sweet. But over all, it wasn't too bad of a beefy, brocolli-y, noodle-y stir-fry type of dish. 
I totally reneged on my VBW for the night...we had splurged on organic grass-fed beef and I couldn't help it!
And yes, that's a paper plate that you see below. Work and yoga kicked my @$$, so I was over it
- E

1 comment:

  1. dude, if i had organic grass-fed beef, i probably would've eaten it raw to savor the flavor. for serious.
