
Pizza Wars

We love our pizza...and how lucky are we to live within walking distance of two of the best pizza joints (we think) in town?

We tried to pick a fave, and it was really close.

Vito's Pizza
A perfect thin, chewy and super flavorful crust with quality toppings. Everything tastes incredibly fresh.

Imported straight from NYC, and it's authenticity doesn't get lost along the way. We wouldn't be surprised if the chipped subway tiles and grubby bathroom had been flown in too.

Bottom: the authentically Sicilian-style crust

The verdict? Vito's, for its crust, amazing veggie pizza and LA roots. But that doesn't mean we'd ever turn down a slice of from Joe's!

1 comment:

  1. Funny, I was going to say some of the best Pizza in LA is at Joe's... I go to the Santa Monica one when I start to miss NYC... BUT... Have you tried Mullberry? I think it may even be better than Joe's. http://www.yelp.com/biz/mulberry-street-pizzeria-beverly-hills-2#query:Mulberry%20Pizza

